Pressurizing Payment – Banking Letter Writing Samples/Format

Pressurizing Payment

Dear Sir,

We very much regret the necessity of once again drawing your kind attention to our bills payment against which is now long overdue.

We have all along been under the illusion that these had missed your favourable attention altogether.
We shall be really grateful if you can see your way to remit payment by return of post.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully
Ram Prakash

Reply to above

Dear Sir,

I highly resent the tone of your letter. I am remitting the payment of your bill in full and final settlement.
Please close the account.

Yours Faithfully
Sumesh Singh

Reply to above reply

Dear Mr. Sumesh Singh,

We are sorry to know that you have taken strong exception to our reminder for paying a long overdue bill. Indeed no offence was intended. Your Payment has reached us safely and I hope you will kindly favour us with the continuation of your account with us.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully
Ram Prakash

Reply to above

Dear Mr. Ram Prakash,

Thanks for your letter, dated As I have already, opened an account with another supplier I regret I cannot renew my account with you.

May be, it is possible to renew contacts in future.

Yours Faithfully
Sumesh Singh

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