Remission of Fees
Dear Sir,
Most respectfully, I beg to state that my family is passing through very straitened circumstances, and I am working hard as a tutor to support myself and my parents.
Consequently, I request that full fee concession may kindly be granted to me so as to enable me to tide over my financial difficulties.
Thanking You,
Yours Obediently,
Neeraj Mittal
Reply in the Affirmative
Mr. Neeraj Mittal is hereby informed that the Principal is pleased to grant him full fee concession for the year 200…………
S.K. Nath,
Negative Reply
Mr. Neeraj Mittal is informed that no fee concession can be granted to him during the current year because the budget for the purpose has already been fully exhausted.
S.K. Nath
Remittance of Fine
Dear Sir,
My professor of English has fined me Rs. 0/- because I had come to the class room without my textbook.
The truth is that the said textbook, Lady in White is out of stock and is not available in the market.
Therefore, I request that the fine should be remitted.
Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully,
Amit Jam
Reply to Above
Dear Sir,
As you declare that the textbook is not available in the market, the fine imposed you in hereby remitted. You should, however, try to get the book as soon as possible.
Yours Faithfully
Narendra Das,
Reply in the Negative
Dear Sir,
Our enquiries show that the book was available when the fine was imposed on you for coming to the class room without it, and hence there is no case for remission of the fine.
Yours Faithfully,
Narendra Das,
Searches related to application to principal for fee remission:
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