How to Write a Letter for an Insurance Company Sample and Format

To Insurance Company Asking for General Information New Delhi.

28 August, 200….

The Branch Manager,
Life Insurance Corporation of India,
New Delhi.

Subject: General Information.

I would like to have general information of all the different schemes offered by the L.I.C. This may include schemes for life insurance with general risk coverage during natural death, death by accident and insurance having provisions for advance for the general education and the marriage of children.

Address: 18, Deshbandhu Marg, New Delhi – 1

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Vimal Roy

Reply to the Above

Date ……………………………

Branch Manager
New Delhi.

Dear Mr. Vimal Roy,

I am happy to enclose a detailed brochure of the schemes offered by the LIC as you have requested in your letter dated…………………………

I am sure you will find some of the schemes very useful to you and your family. If you want to make further inquiries or any help do contact us by letter or phone (No. 7058). We shall be happy to send any information to you and be glad to send an agent to your place to help you fill in forms, etc.

With all best wishes.

Narain Tiwari
(Branch Manager)

Asking to send an Insurance Agent

Shreya Jindal
88, Sarojini Nagar,
New Delhi
10th April, 200X

Life Insurance Corporation of India,

Dear Sir,
I wish to insure myself and my family and am interested in details of the schemes you operate.

I shall be glad if you will please send your agent to my residence on any day before 9 A.M. So that I may discuss the subject in detail.

Thank You
Yours Faithfully

Reply to the Above

Life Insurance Corporation of India,

12th April, 200X
Shri. Shreya Jindal
88, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi

I thank you for your letter dated 10th April, 200X. Our Insurance Agent, Mr. R.K. Dhawan, wIll call on you on 18th April, 200X at 8.00 A.M.

Yours Faithfully,

For taking a loan against an Insurance Policy

Ref: Loan on my Life Insurance Policy No. BI MS 3259.

Dear Sir,
I wish to take the maximum loan permissible under L.I.C. rules against the above mentioned policy which I took in 2001. I should be grateful if you could let me know about the amount of loan permissible to me, as well as any other formalities which I may have to fulfil for getting a loan.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Shabir Ali

On the death of an Insured Person

Dear Sir,

Ref: L.I.C. Policy No. BIL 92153 on the life of Mr. Dheerendra Rastogi.

My husband, Mr. Dheerendra Rastogi, whose life was insured under the above mentioned Policy died in a car accident last month. The policy was in my favour. I would request you to kindly advise me about the formalities which are required under the rules to claim the amount of insurance.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully
Mrs. Naina Rastogi

Reply to the above

Dear Madam,
We are sorry to learn about the sad death of your husband. We are enclosing a set of claims forms which should be completed and returned with the following certificates:
(a) Death Certificate (in original)
(b) Proof of age
(c) The Original Policy
(d) Legal Proof of Title

After receiving these documents, we shall inform you about the amount which is due to you from the policy of your late husband.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully
(Zonal Manager)

Surrendering the Life Policy

United Lane
April 8, 200X

The Branch Manager,
Life Insurance Corporation of India,

Dear Sir,

Ref.: Policy No. 26347632 – Personal Life Policy.

I regret that I am not in a position to continue my life policy due to strained financial position and I wish to surrender my policy for cash value.

Will you please inform me the amount that is permissible to me after the surrender of my policy?

This may please be treated as most urgent.

Yours Faithfully

Reply to the Above

Life Insurance Corporation of India,
April 8, 200X

United Lane,

Policy No. 26347632 – Personal Life Policy.

Dear Sir,
We received your letter dated April 8, 200X and are sorry to know your difficulties for payment of premier in future. The present surrender value of your policy is Rs. 3,825/- only. We however suggest that the surrender of the policy at this stage when four years have already passed is not in your interest. If somehow you surmount the present financial difficulties, the policy may mature up during six years’ time and you will be entitled to payment, six times of what you will get now.

If you feel that the circumstances warrant otherwise and you cannot continue paying premia in future we would sanction a loan to the extent of Rs………………. which may help you tide over the crisis and enable you to maintain your Policy.

We are enclosing a loan application form in case you decide to accept our suggestion.

We assure you of every possible cooperation.

Yours Faithfully
(Branch Manager)

Letter asking for a Fire Policy

Dear Sirs,
Please insure against fire our goods consisting of printed books, articles of the value of Rs. 75,000/- lying in our godown and issue a policy for the amount covering the risk for the business year commencing from tomorrow. The proposal form is enclosed duly completed.

Yours Faithfully

Reply to the above

Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your letter, dated 12 August 200X, together with the personal form.

The policy is being prepared and will reach you by the end of this month. In the meantime, we are of course, holding you covered.

Yours Faithfully
End. : Cover Note

Letter advising damage by fire.

We regret to inform you that a fire broke out in our godown last night, at 10 causing damage of about Rs. 3,000/-.

However, please send as early as possible your representative to survey the loss and let us know what particulars’ we have to furnish for making a claim for the loss.

Yours Faithfully

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