Asking a friend for a loan – Banking Letter Writing Samples/Format

Asking a friend for a loan

Dear Shekhar Kumar,

I am extremely sorry to trouble you with a request for money but the marriage of my daughter is due to take place next month and I am temporarily short of funds.

If you could possibly let me have a sum of Rs. 1,500/- for three or four months, it would see me safely round the comer and relieve my mind of a great anxiety.

Do not hesitate to say ‘No’ if you really cannot do it. I am sure you will if you can.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Sharma

Reply to above

Dear Rajesh Sharma,

Thank you for giving me an opportunity of being of some service to you in your moment of need.

Pleased find enclosed a cheque of Rs. 1,500/-.

You need not thank me.

Yours Sincerely,
Karan Kumar

Another Reply

Dear Rajesh Sharma,

I regret I cannot be of as much help to you as you have asked for, and I blame myself for this inability on my part.

However, I am sending you Rs. 800/- in your need. Hope it would relieve you of your anxiety to some extent.

Yours Sincerely,
Karan Kumar

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