Overcharged Electricity Bill Complaint Letter Sample Format

How to write complaint letter to the electricity department for Overcharged or Excess Bill

Dear Sir,

I am currently residing at House Number 0000, Nehru Colony, Faridabad (Haryana), which is having electricity connection bearing consumer no. 000000. Today, I was shocked to receive the current electricity bill no. 000000BFANADC0000 for an amount of Rs. 3377. My Monthly electricity bill amounts generally range between Rs 300 to Rs 600. The bill for this month is almost four times the amount of my regular bills.

I investigated the matter from my side to find out the error and I noticed that the current bill is for 3 months, whereas I already paid my all the dues amount which is 1471.00. Also, I have checked my bill online and didn’t find any outstanding bill or amount.

Some useful Details are:

Account Number: 000000000
Name: Suresh Kumar
Last payment: 1471.00
Current bill number: 00000BFANPBC00000
Current outstanding Payment: 0000.00
Mobile number: 0000000

As you will notice there is clearly an error in it. I, therefore kindly request you to correct the current bill and issues a fresh bill for the current month.

I hope my complaint will be resolved as soon as possible.

Thanking You!
Yours faithfully,
Suresh Kumar

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