Modals in English Grammar With Examples in Hindi

English Grammar Modals Rules In Hindi

1. Modal का प्रयोग main verb के साथ सहायक क्रिया की तरह होता है।
2. कर्ता के नंबर (singular या plural) और Person (Ist Person/2nd Person/3rd Person) का Modal पर कोई प्रभाव नही पड़ता है|
Ex. I can do this.He can do this.They can do this.You can do this.
3. Modal के साथ हमेशा verb की first form use होती है|
4. जब Modal और Verb के बीच ‘Be/Have’ आता है तो मुख्य verb की 3rd फ़ॉर्म इस्तेमाल होती है| ऐसे वाक्य passive voice में प्रयुक्त होते है।
5. Main Modals are – may, might, can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, dare, need & used to.

Types of Modals In English Grammar

Can >> Used for ability (क्षमता), authority (अधिकार), power (शक्ति), permission (अनुमति) and request (अनुरोध)
Could >> It is past form of can. Used for past ability, power and polite request and permission (अतीत की क्षमता , शक्ति और विनम्र अनुरोध और अनुमति)
May >> Used for giving or taking permission, expressing possibility, blessings and cursing (अनुमति लेने / देने के लिए, भावना ब्यक्त करने के लिए, आशीर्वाद देने या अभिशाप देने के लिए)
Might >> It is past of May, used for remote possibility. (बहूत कम संभावना के लिए)
Should >> Used for suggestions (सुझाव), advice (सलाह), Instruction (निर्देश), Duty (कर्तव्य), Permission (अनुमति)
Must >> Used for necessity (आवश्यकता), compulsion (मजबूरी), emphatic advice (जोरदार सलाह)
Would >> It is past of will. Used for showing liking, preferences, for past habits, for expression desire. (पसंद / नापसंद बताने के लिए, past की आदतो के लिए, इच्छा ब्यक्त करने के लिए )
Shall >> Used to know the desire of other person, for offer of services.
Need >> It is used in negative & interrogative sentences to show necessity or obligation.
Dare >> It is used in negative & Interrogative sentences to show necessity or obligation.

Semi- Models Types In English Grammar

Will have to >> Used for forced action in future
Has to / Have to >> Used for forced action in present.
Had to >> used for forced action in past
Used to >> Used for past habitual or routine action.

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