Letter to a Steamship Company Protesting against high Freight Charges

Sample Letter for Freight Charges

12, Lower Thomes Street,
London, E.C. 3
5th October, 200X

The Cosmopolitan Steamship Co., Ltd.
145, Gracechurch Street,
London, E.C. 3

Dear Sir,

We regret to have to protest against the high freight charges imposed by your Steamship Line.

Owing to keen competition in oversea markets, we have been compelled to investigate all possible means of making economies, with the result that we find that your freight charges are considerably above those generally prevailing, being in many cases from 10 to 15 percent higher than those of other lines. As an example, the last consignment of soft goods, shipped on Friday lost per ss. Albion, was quoted at 12½ percent below your price.

As we have for many years transmitted by your ships the great bulk of the goods we sent to foreign market and have always received prompt and careful attention from you, we are reluctant to pass the business into other hands, but unless some reduction can be made in the charges, we fear that we must consider transferring our business to some other shipping company, as otherwise we shall find it very difficult to meet foreign competition.

We shall be glad to have your reply as soon as possible, stating what you are prepared to do to meet us in this matter.

Yours Faithfully
K. Dowti
Transport Manager

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