36, High Street,
6th April, 200X
Thomas Tata, Esq.,
The Moorings,
Dear Sir,
We have recently been through our records of customers and are sorry to find it is a considerable time since we received an order from you.
As we have had no complaint about goods supplied to you, we assume that they must have given you complete satisfaction. It is possible, however, that you may have felt some dissatisfaction of which you have not informed us. If this is so, we should be very glad to have an opportunity of looking into the matter, as we make a special point of endeavouring to carry out fully the wishes of our customers.
We have recently extended our business and taken up several new lines. Our new list, which we enclose, will indicate to you that we are supplying the best goods only, and at reasonable prices: some of the lines offered are real bargains.
We sincerely hope that we shall soon have the pleasure of executing your renewed orders, to which we shall give our utmost care.
Yours Faithfully
James Brown
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