Letter Making a Firm Offer.
26-32, Montcalm Road,
3rd Febmary 200X.
Reed & Johnson, Ltd.
Waverley Works,
Dear Sir,
We have pleasure in informing you that we have just received a very large supply of the borax of excellent quality which we can offer at 16/3 per ton for 50 ton lots and 17/3 per ton for 100 ton lots below the prices quoted in our January circular, terms and conditions as usual.
Orders have already been received from local houses for 80% of the total consignment, but we offer your firm up to 100 tons, the offer to remain open until noon on Thursday next, the 7th February.
We trust you will be able to take advantage of this offer.
Yours Faithfully
Per Pro Starling & Sons, Ltd.
E. Edwards
Sales Manager
Letter Accepting the Offer.
Waverley Works,
4th February 200X
Starling & Sons, Ltd.
26-32, Mcintcalm Road,
Dear Sir,
We thank you for the offer of borax contained in your letter of yesterday’s date. Please forward 100 tons at 17/3 per ton below your January price (terms and conditions as usual) to our Grange Road depot at your earliest convenience. Duplicate invoices should be forwarded, one to Grange Road and one to our head office, as in the past.
Yours Faithfully
H. Reed
Managing Director.
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