Letter to DTC for provision of bus stop & increasing bus services

How to write a Letter to DTC for provision of bus stop & increasing bus services


General Manager
Delhi Transport Corporation
NewDelhi-2 .

Subject: Provision for bus stop

I would like to draw your kind attention towards the inconvenience that the people of B-block, Janakpuri, face the lack of a bus stop in our block. There are at least two thousand people who go to various offices from this block. The nearest bus stop is 2 km away from here. People have no option except to hire hand rickshaw or walk that distance which causes a lot of inconvenience and expending extra money. A letter was sent in this regard to the local office Janakpuri but no step has been taken as yet.

Now, In behalf of all the computer of B-block, I request you to provide a bus stop in our block. We shall be highly grateful to you for this.

Thanking you
Yours sincere.

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