Write a letter to the local transport authority to provide bus service from stand to your area. 185, Ajanta Colony, Faizpur 18th August, 200X To, The Manager, Transport Company, Faizpur…. [Continue Reading]
Author: Make an Easy
Application for Apply Part time Librarianship Jobs
Apply for Part time Librarianship To, The Principal Hindu College, Delhi. Dear Sir, With reference to your today’s notice on the Notice Board, I beg to offer myself for part-time… [Continue Reading]
Write a Letter to Requesting Provide a Testimonial – Sample & Format
Request for a Testimonial To, The Principal, Dayal Singh College, Delhi. Dear Sir, As I have applied for a part-time job of a journalist in the Amrit Bazar Patrika, kindly… [Continue Reading]
Write an Application for Apply for Tutorship – Sample and Format
Application for Tutorship Sample Dear Sir, With due respect I beg to apply for tutorship of your children with reference to your advertisement in the Tribune of today. I am… [Continue Reading]
Write an Application to Principal for Remission of Fees – Sample and Format
Remission of Fees Dear Sir, Most respectfully, I beg to state that my family is passing through very straitened circumstances, and I am working hard as a tutor to support… [Continue Reading]
How to Write an Application for Sister Marriage Sample and Format
Application for leave To. The Principal, S.D. College, Meerut. Dear Sir, With due respect I request you to grant me leave for four days, from January 9 to January 12… [Continue Reading]
How to Write a Letter for an Insurance Company Sample and Format
To Insurance Company Asking for General Information New Delhi. 28 August, 200…. To, The Branch Manager, Life Insurance Corporation of India, New Delhi. Subject: General Information. Sir, I would like… [Continue Reading]
How to Write a Letter to Ask a Girl for a Date Sample and Format
Writing to ask a girl for a date Dear Jimmy, I shall be home in Portsend over the weekend of 12-14 June and wonder if you would like to go… [Continue Reading]
Christmas Party Invitation Letter Sample and Format
Invitation to relatives to spend Christmas Dear Uncle Wilf and Auntie Flo, George and I would love you to come and spend Christmas with us this year. We don’t see… [Continue Reading]
Essay on Mineral Resources in India
Mineral Resources in India India is an ancient country, which is the largest country in Asia (in terms of area), next only to China. High-rise mountains, large and deep rivers,… [Continue Reading]